This blog is not mainly about food, cooking and recipes. It's just about anything.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Chicken and Mushroom pasta (my way:)

This was my dinner for today. Got the idea when I ordered this pasta at jollibee the other day when I went to the mall with friends. I like the taste and so I made it myself. I did not search for any recipe online, I made my own recipe and it taste good. Hubby mom told me she liked it and had eaten a lot this evening.

recipe: garlic, tomatoes, small pack tomato sauce salt and pepper, chicken, mushroom, spaghetti noodles.

here's how: boil noodles till cooked and on another pan... saute' garlic for a minute then add tiny cubes lice tomatoes, then put in chicken and mushroom. When chicken is almost cooked, add one half cup of water, then add in tomato sauce. Simmer for five minutes. Add salt and pepper according to taste.  
Then serve:)
better served with grated cheese on top.

happy eating

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Keziah Eight month b-day!

Today is my Keziah's b-day. When her months birthday comes, we normally celebrates it with dinner. Her aunt came and brought stuff for burger and so we made burgers for dinner. He daddy brought home an ice-cream. So we really had good time eating dinner tonight.


Monday, February 20, 2012

laundry and me

I am excited for Friday co'z hubby and I of course with our beautiful baby Z will be heading North for our church evangelistic concert at one of our church there. Hubby will be playing with the band and so we goes. Actually hubby with the band or not I really would like to go. I saw on picture how beautiful the place is. It's on a beach and the place is very scenic.

One thing aside from being to be part of this activity... I want to bring my baby on the beach so that she could breath fresh salty air. So now.. I need to get ready and need to pack up specially my baby's needs. I haven't got the courage to do our laundry though co'z thinking of it makes me tired. I need to lift pails of water to put in the washing machine co'z we don't have a water hose.  My mother-in-law actually told me that we need to buy a hose and hearing of the word hose makes me think of an industrial rubber hose, those the fireman use.  I wish there is a small one I could get for my washing machine.

Well.. with the hose or none I still need to do my laundry. I wish that someday I get an automatic mashing machine that even though I do my online works I still can do the laundry.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cooked "Pinaputok na Tilapia"

I cooked pinaputok na tilapia the other day but sad to say I was not do it right. I was not satisfied of the taste co'z it was burnt. I guess I need to do it again, and this time I'll make sure I'll make it right. :(

Friday, February 10, 2012

Investing for a rice plant...

We were out from our house for three days and that means I was with friends. Yeah! We were in the city for three days and was hanging out with friends and their kids. Ooh goodness... there is no more tiring than looking after 2 one...yish year old boys, a  four year old girl and a seven month old baby. These was the most tiring day of my life. I actually came home last night soo tired and went to bed straight forgetting about my baby. She did not slept with us, her tita took care of her. I just found out this morning when I woke up and I did not found my baby. (scary feeling!).

My friend has told me about investing in a rice plant, for every thousand pesos you gave-you'll get a sack of rice from it. She encourages me to invest so that we'll earn maybe not that much though but still there is money coming to us in three months. I am interested about this income source but also thinking of what keep this investment not to succeed and of course all I could think is.. is there enough irrigation in the farm that would help the rice plant nourish and grow healthy so that it can produce for grain? or are they using coolant pump to get more water for the plant specially now that summer is almost here.

Anyways... I am still investing though even some not soo good things are being  a threat. I'll put my trust in the Lord believing He'll make things possible for us.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spaghetti Delight

I went to my hubby's aunt's house in Laguna-Phils last Saturday with a bunch of hubby's mom-side family. Though I have this weird feeling towards the young ones but I am grateful I have good times with the oldies. It sad to say though that there is no one my age:(. I felt like I was left alone..., but God is good and so I was okay.  
I cooked spaghetti as our food share, I did not mix the sauce with noddles...and so it looked like this. It was yummy and they said it taste like greenwhich spag. I was happy when I heard the compliment of course.  But honestly.. hubby is the only connection I have with those people. 

yummy spaghetti :)